Monday, October 12, 2009

12 October 2009

Just letting you know, we normally get the Liahona the month after, the mission sends them out, sometimes in English, sometimes in Spanish, but either way you don’t have to send the new Liahona with the conference talks. As to that problem with the investigators coming to church… we had 7 show up yesterday, and I was extremely relieved with that. And because they finally came to church, we’ll have 2 baptisms this week. Keep them in your prayers (Jamier Loma and Jaime Navarro).

(We are sending Coulson a care package - Ed) Anyways, don’t worry to much about whats in the package, you know I’m not exactly one to be picky while I’m in Peru.

Send my love to Zach and Mike. Love you guys too.

And here is a list that the pension would like… its basically a joke, but he made me promise to send it to my family


- USB Lexar de 4 GB
- Pistola eléctrica (TAZER)
- Polo con cuello camisero de la bandera de Estados Unidos (size M)
- Chewy
- Mantequilla de mani (Skippy con crunch)

-La Hermanita Conny