Monday, July 13, 2009

13 July 2009

Ok, maybe i just forgot, but what "move to Albuquerque"? (sister and brother in law, Mayce and Ethan are moving to Albuquerque for Ethan to go to University of New Mexico law school - Ed) and wow, that would be so amazing if i could see them (Uncle Kevin goes to Argentina to pick up cousin Robert from his mission, with a side trip home to Peru where Kevin served a mission a century or so, ago - Ed). Actually i pass my the airport every Monday and Wednesday to go to meetings as a zone and district. the airport is just 5 or 10 minutes away from my house in a bus (which bus really is more like a really really old van). So at least i think i would be able to get permission to see them at the airport when they get in on the 21st, but our new president is much more relaxed than our other president. More focused on the spirit, which i really like, than memorization and a strict way to teach. I'll talk to our zone leaders to see if i can get permission to call president. As for being in Lima, i don't think that'll be a problem. I'm pretty sure my companion is going to have a change on the 29th of July, and then the next change isn't until the 9th of September. So my next email should have an answer if i can see them or not, but if not, you can check out how close the house is on google maps, my house is in Lima, Callao, San Juan Mesias, Ave. Arequipa, Manzana LL1. Its just north of the airport (Jorge Chavez) by a little bit.

Coulson's Daily Agenda

Well, we had two baptisms this week, Karn and Ariana. I baptized Karen and Elder Marcelo baptized Ariana. It was just a small event, but considering its the one thing we work to do more than anything else, it was a special day. And i confirmed for the first time too. That was a little interesting. To give blessings and confirmations and things of that nature we use the tĂș form (Common form of Spanish - Ed), but as a missionary learning Spanish, i pretty much only know usted (formal Spanish - Ed). I always mess up a bit with that. But it was cool to be able to do that.
Anyways, gotta go, but i love you all, and thanks for the package in advance (Mom's Care Package - Ed). Tell me a little bit about the palm pre (Mom and Dad and brother Calder's new cell phones - Ed)